Hi all,

Happy belated Valentine's Day!

For the first time in a few years, I've finally returned to three Valentine's Vignettes instead of two!  Yay!  Unfortunately, I got sidelined by a day-long headache and then a seizure so didn't get my final proofread done.  I hope there aren't any major typos but I'm just going to go ahead and send this and try to proof it within the next few days.

God bless,

The Wild Crowd        "Directors in Live Features"        Aroha

The Wild Crowd

Saturday, November 27th, 2021

It had been a little over a month since the truth had come out... since Rhiannon had learned that while there was great tragedy in her family tree, there was also unimaginable grace.  There'd been two strong, queer women banding together to raise a strong, queer daughter in a time when women were regarded as little more than the chattel of men.  There'd been the Serpent of Eden, tricking Gwen's abusive husband into releasing his daughter.  There'd been Joshua... the literal Son of God... buying a cottage, a sanctuary.  And, of course, the constant... Jamie raising little Liliwen and watching over her descendants, all in memory of her beloved Gwen. 

And it had all come down to Rhiannon.

Jamie had been supportive, of course.  But it was a lot to deal with for Rhiannon.  So Vonnie, with help from Jamie, had arranged with her college to attend her classes remotely.  They'd told her dean it was so she could focus on her internship with Jamie.  And that was true, of course.  But it hadn't been the full truth.  Vonnie wanted to be near Rhiannon.

Their budding relationship had already seen a handful of firsts: first dance, first date, first fight... albeit a playful one regarding whether or not it was a sin to put flavored creamer in tea.

But that night's first was a big one: first time Vonnie was having dinner with Rhiannon's parents.

For Vonnie, her nerves had ramped up the most at the start of the evening when she and Jamie had shown up at the Davies' door.  Of course she'd met Rhiannon's parents before... countless times at the pub... but the formality of a family dinner at their home was different.  It felt... official.  Her nerves, however, had swiftly been calmed by delicious boxty that rivaled her mother's, warm conversation, genuinely interested questions from Brynn and Evan, encouraging smiles from Jamie, and, of course, Rhiannon sitting beside her.

Now it was Rhiannon's turn to feel antsy and nervous.

"Can we help you in the kitchen, mum?" Rhiannon checked.  "With cleaning up."

"Oh, no.  You girls should go enjoy yourselves!"  Brynn waved her daughter away.  "Your dad and I've got this."

"And I'll keep them company!" Jamie chirped, taking the empty plates that sat in front of the two young woman.

"Why don't you show Vonnie your room, Rhi," Evan suggested, squeezing his daughter's shoulders.  "Show off all our handiwork!"

Rhiannon's face flushed.

"Umm, yeah.  Okay."

"Ooh, did you build your own bookcases or something?" Vonnie asked.

"Or something," Evan echoed with a chuckle before following his wife and Jamie into the kitchen.

Rhiannon shook her head.

"It... it's kind of weird is all."

"We're all kind of weird," Vonnie countered.  "Queer you might even say."

Rhiannon giggled.

Vonnie squeezed her hand.

"There's nothing short of a dead body in your room that would make me think less of you."

Rhiannon squeezed Vonnie's hand back and smiled.

"All right.  Just... when we go in... watch your step."

"Will do."

With a sigh, Rhiannon led Vonnie to her door.  The latter's eye brow quirked upward when Rhiannon knocked on the door.  Maybe there was a live body in there...

"I'm coming in," Rhiannon called.  "You better be decent."

Vonnie wasn't sure what she'd expected to see when Rhiannon had opened the door... but it was not five rats sitting a couple of feet ahead, looking expectantly at them.  Nor had she expected a massive wooden structure that completely filled the back wall of Rhiannon's room.

"Good job, everyone."  Rhiannon grabbed a sealed container then bent down and handed a treat to each rat.

"You were afraid I'd be weirded out by pet rats?" Vonnie asked, kneeling beside Rhiannon.

Rhiannon shrugged.

"Lots of people are.  Especially since they're free-range.  But rats are actually very clean.  And mine are all litter box trained.  So... it's really not that much different from having a cat roaming the house.  And it's not like we ever let them into the pub."

"Of course not."  Vonnie patted Rhiannon's back.  "And I don't think it's weird.  That's unique."  She gestured towards their sprawling home.  "But not weird!  It's like a rat paradise!  What are their names?"

Rhiannon smiled and sat in a more comfortable position.  She scooped up a white rat with red eyes and snuggled her.

"This is Venus.  My parents got her for me last Valentine's after my old girl, Luna, passed away."

"Look at her...  Can I?"  Vonnie's right hand hovered above the rat.

"Sure.  She loves attention."

Vonnie gently stroked the rat's back and giggled when she squirmed out of Rhiannon's arms and plopped onto her own lap.

"She likes you!"  Rhiannon beamed then grabbed a cinnamon coated rat.  "Her name is Gwen...  I guess I know now why Jamie got a little weird when I introduced them."

"Oh...  But I'm sure she loves having little Gwen around."

"I think so.  Gwen's very fond of her.  And her sister is, too."  Rhiannon held up a slightly lighter rat.  "This is Gussie."

After a quick snuggle, Rhiannon set Gussie down and the two sisters touched noses then skittered off to their house and into a hammock.

"They're so cute!" 

"Thanks!  And this little fellow... the only little fellow... is my oldest.  He was fixed when he was younger which is why he can be with the ladies.  This is Rilke."

"Like the poet?"

"Yeah.  I'm actually kind of surprised he did the door trick.  He's slowed down a lot." 

Vonnie noted how gently Rhiannon held Rilke, with even more tenderness than she'd displayed with the others.

"He obviously loves you very much and wanted you to know."

Teary-eyed, Rhiannon nodded and continued to cradle the elderly rat.  Then she looked up and laughed.

"And that is Jackie..." 

Vonnie laughed as a gray rat burrowed into a spot on one of the pillows on Rhiannon's bed.

"They're all so smart!  Do they sleep with you?"

"No.  They're too small.  I'd be afraid I'd roll over on them.  But I let them up there to nap when I'm reading or watching something on my tablet."

"How long have you had rats?"

"Since I was twelve.  This girl at school was giving me a real hard time... she'd definitely zeroed in on the fact that I was a lesbian.  And then she set everyone in her group against me."

"Rhiannon...  I'm so sorry."

Rhiannon shrugged.

"I had friends who supported me.  But it still hurt.  So, to cheer me up, my parents picked me up at school one day with three rats.  They'd meant to get me a dog but the shelter had a surplus of rats and a rather pushy volunteer and so... rats it was!  And I've had a constant rotation every since.  I just wish they lived longer."  Rhiannon nuzzled Rilke.

Vonnie thought of the collection of rocks in the Davies' backyard, understanding that each rock represented a furry friend.

"Me too," she murmured.  "Pets are so special.  And I think you're very special for taking such good care of them, Rhiannon."

Rhiannon smiled at Vonnie and at little Venus who was still snuggled in her lap.

"Thanks.  It's just... they've been part of my life for so long and even though it can be heartbreaking... I don't think I could ever not have pet rats.  I... I lost my first girlfriend over that.  She was fine with them so long as they stayed locked up and even while I tried to convince her they were no germier than cats... probably even less so if we count outside cats... she was very much 'it's me or them.'  And, of course, I picked my babies.  So..."

"So..."  Vonnie took Rhiannon's free hand.  "I think that proves that you're loyal and an excellent caregiver.  And I think the rats are just as adorable as their mum... just in very different ways." 

Rhiannon's eyes welled again as Vonnie kissed her hand.

"I would never ask you to pick between the rats and me.  And... and if we ever did live together, I would expect some rats to be with us," Vonnie murmured.

Rhiannon reached over to caress Vonnie's face.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

Slowly, Rhiannon leaned in.

Vonnie followed suit... a bit less slowly... with the result being their noses crashing together.

The two laughed then readjusted slightly and kissed. 

From the back wall, a bell rang out.

Giggling, the two moved apart and looked to Gussie who was batting at a toy.  She seemed to meet their gaze and, without looking away, waved at the bell again.

"I feel like it's maybe a little like being at a wedding... when people tap their glasses," Vonnie observed.  "To get the couple to kiss.  I mean..." 

The two grinned then, still mindful of the rats in their laps, kissed again.

Rhiannon let out a happy sigh as the kiss ended then rested her head on Vonnie's shoulder.

"Thanks.  For being so understanding."

"Rhiannon...  After I sprung a kid and his entire sprawling adoptive family on you?  You thought I'd be weirded out by five rats?"

"I mean when you put it that way...  And let's not forget about Jesus and the Serpent of Eden," Rhiannon teased.  "You really run with a wild crowd."

Vonnie laughed.

"Well, you're related to an angel!"

"So are you!  Your son's daddy's an angel."

"Good point..."  Vonnie stroked Venus and smiled.  "Like I said... we're all kind of weird."

"In the best way."

"Yes... in the best way." 

Rhiannon smiled as Vonnie kissed her hair.  She had a suspicion her days of introducing her rats to potential partners had come to an end.

The End


"Directors in Live Features"

April 2022*

After checking on some cinnamon rolls in the oven, Andrew glanced over at JenniAnn who was counting coffee mugs.  She frowned then turned to him.

"Next time we're out and about, we should probably buy some more mugs.  Another couple get broken and we won't have enough for everyone on Bible study nights."

The angel of death smiled and nodded.

"Sounds good."

JenniAnn's face flushed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like I love you?  Because I do."

JenniAnn smiled and patted his hand.

"I love you, too.  Sorry.  Just felt... different."

Andrew gently tugged one of her braided pigtails.

"I just think you look especially cute this morning."

JenniAnn's blush deepened.

"For real?  I only slept like this so my hair would be wavy when I undo it.  Straightish gets boring sometimes.  I figured if Shel and Violeta can be brave enough to color their hair in all sorts of ways, I could at least temporarily alter mine this way."

"Yes, for real.  And, you know, you could always dye your hair if you really wanted to," Andrew encouraged.

JenniAnn laughed and shook her head.

"Thanks but no.  I like its actual color as far as natural shades go.  And I think I'm a little old for blue and purple and so on... unless you're wanting to go through a Manic Pixie Dream Girl phase."

Chuckling, Andrew shook his head and looped his arms around JenniAnn.

"I am definitely too old for a Manic Pixie Dream Girl phase.  Besides, I have my dream girl... I'm only saying you would be that no matter your hair color."

"Aww..."  JenniAnn stretched up to meet Andrew's lips.

"And there they are... breaking the hearts of Instagram."

Andrew and JenniAnn jumped apart to turn towards the kitchen door where Eli and John stood, both looking quite amused.  The latter was holding a tablet.

"Oooh... cinnamon rolls?" Eli asked after sniffing the air.

"Yes," JenniAnn confirmed.  "And fruit salad and cottage cheese.  You're both welcome to stay for breakfast but... what's this about Instagram?  You didn't just take and upload our photo, did you?"

"Of course not," John assured.  "But..."  He chuckled and glanced at Andrew.  "We did find a photo of Andrew on it."

Andrew's right eye brow quirked upwards.

"Of me?  Why?  Who uploaded it?"

"Looks like a still from your interview outside St. G's," Eli explained.  "And... we don't know the individual responsible but the account that uploaded it is named..."  He was cut off by his own laughter. 

Smiling, John handed the tablet to JenniAnn.

"Ohhhh..."  She began to giggle.

Andrew looked over her shoulder.

"I mean it is a really good photo.  You looked especially handsome yesterday, love.  All passionate and righteous anger and defending St. G's and Loreena and the queer community and..."

"Thank you.  But I don't get it.  'DILFs of New York.'  What's that mean?  Directors in... Live Features?  That's a weird way to say theatre director."  Andrew shook his head.

Eli howled with laughter.

"You don't know what DILF means?" he questioned. 

"I guess not?" Andrew replied.  "Laja, do you?"

JenniAnn only nodded, her cheeks reddening again.

"In Andrew's defense, I only learned a couple weeks ago."  John shrugged.  "It's not really a phrase we use in Heaven and, well, I imagine it doesn't come up a whole lot in AOD work."

Eli nodded as he approached and clapped Andrew on the back.

"True.  And I imagine with five kids and two grandkids, you don't have a lot of time left to scroll through social media.  So... JenniAnn, would you like to do the honors of explaining?"

"Sure...  Only fair."  She squeezed Andrew's hand.  "You usually have to explain stuff to me so..."  She beckoned for Andrew to lean down so she was level with his ear.


"I mean... I don't think they mean it literally.  It just kinda became shorthand for 'older guy people find really attractive.'"

"What she said," Eli assured.  "I mean some of the comments are really sweet."  He took the tablet from JenniAnn.  "'I've met him!  He is a dreamboat but his wife is also a total sweetheart so I would never... but, yes, total DILF.'"

"Aww," JenniAnn cooed.

"'100%!!!  We stan a DILF who says 'trans rights!'" Eli continued to read. 

"Stan?  What's that mean?" Andrew questioned, feeling very old.

"Support.  But, like, next level," JenniAnn explained.


"'I straight up cried watching that interview.  Trans ace here.  So no to the F.  But totally DILH...  Dad I'd Like to Hug.'"

"Oh..." Andrew sniffled.  "That is really sweet."

"Not gonna lie, buddy.  Some of them definitely seem to have the hots for you.  But..." Eli shrugged.  "Most of the comments are like that.  And, besides, it's not like you haven't had assignments lusting over you before."

Andrew blushed but nodded.  No use in denying it.

"At least these folks seem aware that you're very much taken," John pointed out.

Andrew smiled and hugged JenniAnn.

"Very much.  And happily so."

JenniAnn beamed at him.

Eli and John exchanged looks.

"Hey, why don't you two take a few minutes to yourselves?" Eli suggested.

"We can keep an eye on the rolls... we won't eat them all," John added.

"Laja?  What do you say to a couple rounds around the dance floor?" Andrew suggested.

"Sounds nice.  Thanks, guys."

JenniAnn took Andrew's offered hand and followed him to the door.  The couple halted when the tablet chimed.

"It's nothing," John assured.  "Just a new post that I'm sure has nothing to do with And...  Oh..."

Andrew and JenniAnn hurried back into the kitchen.

"What is it?" the angel of death prodded.

Eli was struggling not to burst out laughing and could only shake his head.

John held the tablet out to the couple.

"It, umm, seems like Andrew wasn't the only DILF who participated in that interview."

"I mean...  Are any of you really surprised?  Am I the only one here who has had to run interference with him and fangirls... and fanboys?" JenniAnn asked. 

"No," the three men answered in unison.

"Good morning!" Joshua called as he entered the kitchen.  "Yum...  Cinnamon rolls?"

Andrew was the first to tear his gaze away from the tablet.

"Hey, yeah.  Probably done in about five minutes.  G'morning."

Joshua raised an eye brow.

"What's going on?  You all look like...  Okay, I'm definitely having flashbacks to after Eve ate the apple.  Why do you all look..."  He studied their faces.  "Not exactly guilty...  Weirded out?  Like you've seen something you ought not to have..." 

Joshua spotted the tablet.

"John, give it, please?"

John wordlessly handed it over to his cousin.

Eli continued to stifle awkward giggles.

Andrew again dragged a hand through his hair.

"I mean... you do have really gorgeous hair," JenniAnn murmured.  "I mean... I mean not that the rest of you isn't...  Actually, I would like to shut up."

Eli could contain his glee no longer and burst out laughing.

"Sorry, sorry..."

Joshua shook his head and looked down at the source of their various reactions.

"Oh, hey, it's me.  I'm glad that interview is getting coverage on social media.  Whose account... oh..."

Joshua peered back up at the four and chuckled.

"Well, I do like collecting titles," he teased.  "And I was wearing that sweater..."

The tension eased; Andrew, JenniAnn, and John joined Eli in his laughter.

Joshua laughed, too, then amused himself by reading the comments.

"Love this exchange.  'But is he even a dad?' and then 'Dunno.  But the man exudes good dad energy.'"

JenniAnn hugged Joshua.

"That you do."

The other three surrounded them, joining in their embrace.

The people of Instagram's inclinations aside, Joshua definitely had good dad energy.

The End

*I'll set an exact date once "The Advocate" is finished and I can more accurately determine where this slots in.



Circa 2027


That's what the headline would say.

Steve would die of a broken heart... was it egotistical to think that?

Ollie and Jess would try their best to raise Anahera but the untimely deaths of her fathers would send her reeling.  She'd probably get married too young to someone awful in an attempt to escape her grief and build a family to replace the one she'd lost.  Or she would give up on love entirely and remain single... but not in the healthy way.

And all because Ed had convinced himself that he could spend one measly night away from his husband so he could accept an award and give a little speech.

And now there was a very real chance he could die there... killed by his heart exploding out of his chest or his lungs refusing to pump oxygen.

And his hosts had been so kind...  "We saved a room for you in the area not in use.  We know you feel most creative in the quiet of the night."

And he'd said that on his damned podcast.  More than once.  But he hadn't specified that he meant the sort of quiet that involved Steve softly snoring and night birds calling and the sea rocking the Fleetwood or the tree branches scratching their house. 

This was too quiet... Hell quiet. 

And so the panic attack had set in.

Ed's eyes glazed over as he tried to focus on the room around him.  It wasn't Hell.  He wasn't in a cell.  It was a perfectly nice hotel room.  And yet...

Ed forced his right hand to touch his left shoulder, beginning an activity that Jamie had coached him on.  He patted the tattooed bird there.

Steve giving him his promise ring.

He switched sides.

Him proposing to Steve and becoming human.

Left shoulder again.

Their wedding.

Right shoulder again.

Anahera's adoption.

And Ed could breathe.  Shakily.  But he could.

He reached for his phone and peered at his lockscreen... a photo of Steve cradling their baby girl.

Tears filled Ed's eyes.  He wanted to go home.  He wanted his family.  He wanted to be in Steve's arms. 

What time was it in Asteriana?  Sixish?  Maybe Steve would be up.

Shaking, Ed called him.


"So Andrew and I were thinking maybe we'd take the kids on a hike in the Glen of Goodness later," JenniAnn suggested.  "Then again... maybe we should wait.  Ed should be there when Anahera visits for the first time."

"I think he would appreciate us waiting," Steve agreed as he stirred pancake batter.  "Maybe the Mystical Mountains since we've been there together?"

"Sounds like a plan!" JenniAnn agreed.

"We're really glad you and Anahera are spending the weekend here.  Belle's adored having a little one to fuss over."  Andrew chuckled.  "Actually..."

The angel of death was interrupted by the opening notes of "The Chain."

Steve frowned as he pulled his phone from the pocket of his robe.

"Strange...  It's around 1:00 AM for Ed."

Andrew and JenniAnn exchanged concerned looks as Steve answered.

"Darling, what's...  Ed!" 

Steve's eyes went wide as he heard what sounded like his husband struggling to breathe.

"Ed...  Ed...  Do I need to call 111 for you?" a frantic Steve asked as Andrew led him to a chair.

"Jus... panic...  Too quiet."

Steve relaxed... but only slightly.

"Are you at the hotel?"

"Uh huh."

Steve looked over to Andrew and JenniAnn who was nervously twisting her ring.

"Could you watch Anahera if I go join Ed?  Panic attack.  I don't think he should be alone."

"Absolutely," Andrew vowed.  "Are you okay to drive?"

Steve nodded and returned his focus to Ed.

"Ed, darling, it'll take me a couple of hours but I'm going to come there."

"But I have the car..." Ed whined.

"I know.  I'll take the camper.  It'll be fine.  Just... deep breaths, darling.  Listen, I'm going to put you on speaker so you can hear us.  Just going to settle a couple of things with Andrew and JenniAnn.  Okay?"

"Yeah... yeah, I'm okay."

Steve did as he'd promised and set his phone on the table before looking to Andrew and JenniAnn.

"I don't want to wake Anahera.  She'll be grumpy for you if I do so..."

"So we'll tell her you went to go get her Pāpā.  And we'll fill the morning up with activities until you can both come get her.  Together," JenniAnn replied, loudly enough for Ed to hear.  "But take your time.  If you want a night together just the two of you, that's fine, too."

"Thank you."  Steve hugged her then Andrew.  "I suspect Ed will want to come get her as soon as the ceremony is over but I'll keep that in mind.  I'll send a text as soon as I'm at the hotel in Te Aroha."

"Thank you.  Please give Ed a hug from us?" JenniAnn requested.

Ed's sniffling could be heard from the phone.

"Absolutely," Steve promised.  Then he grabbed his phone and headed for the portal.  "I'm coming, Ed darling.  I'll stay on the phone the whole time, okay?"

"Kay...  'M sorry..."

"There's absolutely no reason to be.  Tell me how your evening went?  Was the dinner good?"

"Yeah.  Dessert was better."

Steve chuckled.

"What did you like about it?"

As Ed shakily told him about the Pavlova he'd enjoyed, Steve hurried through the portal and then through their house, started up the camper, and left to join his husband.


"I'm in the lot, darling," Steve murmured.  "Can you come get me or tell me how to find your room?"

"Be right out!" Ed cried before ending the call.

Steve slowly let out a deep breath then quickly texted JenniAnn to let her and Andrew know all was well.  He reached for the camper door but it was torn open before he could even touch the handle.


Ed climbed inside and straddled Steve's lap then buried his face in his neck and let out a sob.

"I'm here, darling... I'm here," Steve whispered into his husband's ear.  "I have you, Ed."

Ed shifted to rest his forehead against Steve's.

"Thank you."  He kissed him.  "I... I'm embarrassed but..."

Steve brought one of Ed's hands to his lips.

"Ed... there's no need to be."

"I... I led an entire iwi for generations... I'm over a thousand years old!... and now... now I can't spend a single night alone?"

"I'm sure you could spend a night alone at home or on the Fleetwood or even at one of our friend's places.  But this... nice as it looks to be... is a strange place."

"Too quiet and..."  Ed shifted, grimacing a little.

Steve patted his thigh.

"Hold that thought, darling.  Why don't we head inside before one of us injures ourselves?  We're neither of us spring chickens, you know."

Chuckling, Ed nodded and carefully extracted himself from Steve's lap and the camper.

Once Steve was out and had locked the camper, he took Ed's hand and let him lead him to his room.

"It's quite nice... but you're right.  Much too quiet," he assessed.

"Don't mind it now that you're here."  Ed yawned.

"Let's lay down.  You're exhausted.  We can talk more there."

With a grateful nod, Ed waved for Steve to get in bed first.  Then, with a contented sigh, he sprawled over him, his head resting on Steve's chest.

"There now..."  Steve gently dragged his fingers down Ed's back and through his hair.

"The quiet got to me at first," Ed shared.  "Reminded me of... of Hell.  Then... a couple times I... I thought I heard moaning."

"Well, Ed, it is a hotel in a romantic area...  I mean, to be fair, we've done our share of moaning in hotel rooms..."

Ed giggled and swatted Steve's arm.

"Stephen Davidson-Rangi!  Not that kind of moaning!  Though I appreciate the much-needed laugh, mate."

Steve smiled and kissed Ed's hair.

"Good.  But now... keep talking to me."

"It was probably just wind... but it sounded sorrowful.  Like... well, like I remember.  So then... then I just wanted you with me.  To... to hold me a-and tell me it'd be okay.  That... that I'd never, ever go back there."

"You will never, ever go back there.  And things will be more than okay."

Ed let out a shuddering sigh.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"Then... I started thinking about how, for almost 200 years, no... no one touched me.  Not with anything like love, anyway.  Maybe Iggy mighta yanked my shoulder or... or something but...  No pats on the back, no hugs, definitely no kisses.  And... and I needed... you.  Needed... touch."

Steve tightened his hold of Ed.

"You have me.  Right here.  I won't let you go.  Ever.  I love you, Ed."

"I... I love you, too, Steve."

Steve pressed a kiss into Ed's hair.

"And if you're holding onto any lingering embarrassment... stop it.  Right now.  You're one of the bravest, strongest, most competent people I know, darling.  You basically lived in solitary confinement for the better part of two centuries.  Now look at you!  I marvel at how well you're doing!  You amaze me, Ed.  Always will."

Ed sat up and beamed down at Steve.

"Thank you.  I needed to hear that, love.  And it helps... so much... to have amazing friends.  An incredible little girl.  God on my side.  And the most loving and most lovable husband..."

Ed gently kissed Steve's lips then again rested his head on his chest.

The two were quiet for a few moments before Steve spoke.

"What time do you need to be up and about?"

"Breakfast at 9:00.  Ceremony at 10:30."

Steve reached over to the side table where he'd placed his phone.  He set an alarm.

"Then we'll get up at 8:00 to get ready.  But for now... you're exhausted.  Rest, darling.  I'll be right here."

Ed let out a contented sigh, nuzzled Steve's chest, and relaxed.

Soon, Steve could hear the slow and steady breaths that meant his husband was asleep.

He prayed silently, thanking God for Ed, for Anahera, for friends who would help them with only a moment's notice.  And he vowed that this would be the very last time Ed traveled alone unless he truly wanted to make another attempt.  The weekend had been a scrambled together affair.  Ed had always been supposed to accept an award but had been assured he could do so remotely.  But then the original keynote speaker had dropped out... Ed had been asked after they'd already promised Anahera a weekend at Willowveil.  And Ed couldn't say no... wouldn't say no.  He jumped at any opportunity to tell the story of Aotearoa and of the people he loved.  He'd cried a little at the idea that it would be the first night the two of them had spent in separate beds since Steve's return from the hospital post-COVID.  But he'd been determined.  And so he'd gone to Te Aroha while Steve had taken Anahera to Asteriana as promised. 

Steve placed another kiss atop Ed's head and closed his eyes.  If he were honest with himself, his own sleep had been restless at Willowveil.  Andrew and JenniAnn had done everything they could to make him comfortable... but Ed hadn't been there.  Now, with his husband in his arms, Steve felt himself being lulled into a restful, restoring sleep.

In his last moments of wakefulness, Steve's mind traveled back to a memory of his and Ed's wedding.

Joshua smiled at the two grooms, raising his glass to them, and then his gentle gaze traversed the crowd as he continued his toast.

"You've heard it said that 'Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.'  And I agree.  I certainly have no qualms with the man who said that."

Ed, Steve, and the Friends smiled to themselves.

"But I'll tell you this: there's also immense love in choosing to share your life with one person... not for a few weeks, a handful of years... but your whole life.  Not just the good parts.  Not just the fun parts, the easy parts.  But the hard parts, too.  The times when the past seems a little too close.  The times when your partner, your friend feels broken.  Loving them doesn't mean you'll necessarily be able to fix things.  But it means letting them know they're not alone... letting them know that, no matter what, they are loved.  Ed and Steve, you've already done that so many times for each other.  And I know you'll continue to.  I love you and I'm proud of you."

Steve smiled as he drifted to sleep.  He was proud of them, too.

The End


This newsletter is dedicated to John Dye for helping to tell so many stories about love via TBAA and some of his other projects.

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(Photo Credits: The photograph used on this page is from Touched by an Angel and owned by CBS Productions, Caroline Productions, and Moon Water Productions.  It is not being used to seek profit.)