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Tomorrow night will mark four years since the fateful night when JABB began. We'd like to thank all of you who have been part of our group. JABB would have been just another of those crazy ideas that never go anywhere if not for you. We hope you enjoy this issue and have enjoyed the past four years. In fact, we hope you enjoy this issue so much that you don't notice that it wasn't very carefully proofread. :-)

An Ode to JABB as it Begins its 5th Year

On an evening in July, chatters chat
Laughing, crying as they sat.
"Touched" had brought them there.
A show about angels and God and care.
The hours ticked by, the crowd all gone.
Only four people left as it neared dawn.
An idea started, plans began, a newsletter grew
And now, four years later, they're still not through.

Only an infant, not more than a few weeks old
JABB was faced with a travesty most bold.
John's hair was chopped, the long locks no more!
And like the locks, each little JABBers' jaw hit the floor.
What had happened? Where had the hair flew?
The answer was a secret, just between us and you.
John's beautiful hair off to Ireland had fled
Now occupying a small Chihuahua dog's head.
However, the hair was not the biggest story of the year
An angel assumed fake would on a TV show appear!
The real Andrew was on the news!
The demon he fought, did naturally lose.

Just when you thought newsletters can't be more strange
JABB announces it's found a home on the range
Dyeland was built and was the site of adventure and fun
Evil Kiwi kidnapped the princesses and caused John to run.
He rescued the princesses, he found Chiwawa's wife.
And that was just the beginning of Dyeland's long life
But what is a great civilization without a leader to lead?
There was only one person to give what Dyeland did need.
President Andrew was named and elected and won
Dyeland would now be tons more fun.

Years they pass and years they go.
Four years letter, we hope we don't slow.
There were worries about the fate of TBAA
Dyeland was beset with problems nearly every day
The co-presidents entered college and had less time
Not to mention we got attacked by a mime.
Okay, that's not true but what can you expect?
Show your poor author a bit of respect!
JABB has grown from 4 to over a hundred
From a top ten and two poems, easily read
To hundreds of webpages and a Yahoogroup
What will be thrown to us as the next loop?
Will year five mean aliens attack Dyeland?
Will Andrew and Adam really start that band?
Regardless of what follows, on one thing we can rely.
The craziness will always increase and the jokes fly
And the drool buckets will not be left to dry
After all, there's yet another season with John Dye!

Happy Birthday Greetings to the JABB Newsletter!!

Wasn't it just yesterday that you were but a twinkle in your creators' eyes? How can it be that you are going to be 4 years old? I want to thank you for saving us droolers from slipping and sliding all over ourselves. I want to thank you for the endless giggles and grins that you've brought to me on many sleepless nights. I want to wish you happiness and luck and all the won-dye-ful things that you have brought many of us.

:::sniffle sniffle:::wiping a tear from my eye:::Happy Birthday JABB:::HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND BIG HUGS!!::: scurrying away quick before someone sees me cry:::
Bunny -aka- Karen:::who just can't believe how the time has flown by

Dearest JABB,
Four years old all ready! My baby is growing up! I can remember when you were just a little tiny thing with no more to your name than a 12 step list and a couple poems! Now you have all sorts of webpages and almost 100 newsletters! Sniff... sniff... They grow up so fast.
With all my love,

To My Little Baby Boy,
My how you have grown. Why, I remember when you were just a fledgling with not but 6 members. I remember powdering your little toshie and changing your diapers. I'm so proud of you now. Only 4 years old, but so grown up. You are so big and so strong now. I'm just afraid that after a while, you may not need me anymore. But remember, wee J.A.B.B., it was *I* who first put those periods after your initials. And it is *I* who will again do so, whenever you need it. I love you, J.A.B.B. Remember that . .
Alright everybody, ::wiping tear from eyes:: Happy Birthday to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY John/Andrew Bucket Brigade! Happy Birthday to you!!!!! And many more..... HEY! You over there. Yes YOU! I'm talking to you!! Why aren't you singing?! I'm very dissappointed. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!
Thanks alot.
Sorry, J.A.B.B. I hope you have a great birthday anyhow.



Newsletter 96