“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” ~~Rainer Maria Rilke

Hi all,

Well, last week took a bit out of me.  I got sucked into HBO's Our Flag Means Death which left me with an uncomfortable but honestly kinda intoxicating case of capital F Feelings.  Then I had a not-so-fun neurological episode mid-week.  And yesterday I screwed up my right calf muscle while stepping off my exercise bike.  I mean it didn't even happen when I was exercising!  Just stepping off!  Who does that?!

Anyway... my mind is pretty blurry today so I'm just sending a jumble of tropes that I was saving to be sorted into themed lists.  But I had nothing else prepared so... here we go.  Also, apologies if any are repeats.  I usually double-check but just am not up to it today.

And, just to be clear, I'm fine!  Just not stringing a bunch of words together in a sensible way fine.  :-)

God bless,

Miscellaneous Tropes Because I Feel Blah

Humanity is Infectious- To some extent, this happens to Andrew in a couple of ways as the stories progress.  While he was always very compassionate, this trait increases the more time he spends among the Friends and especially those he considers family.  Since he and JenniAnn started living together, he more viscerally understands the pain of an assignment who loses their partner.  In the same way, he also seems to have developed a human-like appreciation for sensuality though I would argue his experience of it is different than that of most humans.  It's less about the physical senses and more about the trust and love it signifies when JenniAnn lets him get especially close to her.  I don't think it's so much a physical thrill for him as it is healing to have a human being very much want physical intimacy with him while so many others have been like "Ah!  Go away!"  The downside is Andrew has become more prone to worry.  Happy in this newish, humanesque life, he can get out of sorts when he fears something might prematurely end it.

Virgin Tension- So the Dyeland stories very much come down against the Defiled Forever trope.  But I don't think it necessarily follows that a given character wouldn't attach some deeper meaning to their virginity and be troubled by threats to it.  Even though it wasn't a direct threat to her virginity, JenniAnn is deeply troubled by the fact that Rex fondled her.  She doesn't tell anyone about it for quite some time.  When she finally does confide in Andrew, one of the reasons it so disturbed her is because a man had never touched her like that and she's bothered that it happened in such a creepy, insulting way.  She doesn't like that the only man to take pleasure in her body in that way is one who nearly killed her, emotionally abused and neglected her son, was just generally a bad person, and did so forcibly without her consent.  Thankfully, Andrew is able to assure her that he takes pleasure in her body albeit in a different way than a mortal man would.  He and JenniAnn then proceed to have a romantic and very much consensual encounter that proves his point.  So it's not that JenniAnn saw herself as defiled in any way.  I think it's more likely that she places a high value on physical intimacy and was bothered by that being perverted into violence.

Supernaturally Validated Trans Person
- Joshua only ever refers to Loreena using female pronouns and never uses her dead name.  When some transphobes ask Joshua if he knows who Loreena is, he answers "She's a kind woman who would give her last penny to someone in need."  Further, when one of the men accuses Loreena of being a man tricking men into "gay stuff," Joshua cites Exodus 23:1 and alludes to the 9th Commandment which the man has broken by bearing false witness.  Loreena doesn't know who Joshua is but... hopefully soon!

Write Who You Know- Sort of.  While there is a lot of me in JenniAnn, she's also my opposite in a lot of ways.  While I sometimes wouldn't mind having my own Andrew... the truth is I tend to want one more because he'd be handy around the house and not because I need a cuddle buddy to raise children with.  But that hasn't stopped me from sprinkling bits of autobiography into her story and the stories of other characters.  While it's amped up for the stories, I did have friends in high school and college who were rather Bennie-esque at points. 

Mentor in Queerness- JenniAnn is this to Shelby as they're both asexuals.  JenniAnn affirms Shelby and gives her the information she needs and encourages her self-expression as an ace person.  One big difference is Shelby is aromantic while JenniAnn is not.  So while she can validate Shelby in that, she can't offer much in the way of lived experience.

Men Like Dogs, Women Like Cats- Nope.  In Dyeland, some homes have both dogs and cats... like Ivy and Sy.  The cat is specifically Sy's.  Henry also has a cat.  JenniAnn has never had a cat, only dogs. 

Huge Guy, Tiny Girl- While I think JenniAnn, at just shy of forty, would object to "girl," this applies to her and Andrew.  He's a foot taller than her and has a bigger build.  The size difference only got more exaggerated when he started doing carpentry and bulked up some. 

Can't Tie His Tie
- A non-romantic version makes up one of JenniAnn's and Joshua's early interactions.  Though Joshua knows how to tie a tie because he knows everything, that tidbit apparently got left in Heaven when he incarnated again.  So JenniAnn gets to help him.  She also ties Andrew's tie when he has a broken arm. 

Inconvenient Attraction
- While JenniAnn was dating Eliot, Andrew had come to realize that how he felt about her probably went beyond friendship even if he couldn't really define what he wanted.  His subconscious was less clueless given he'd dreamed about her sitting in bed with him and letting him rest his head in her lap.  Nonetheless, Andrew shelved his feelings.  Not only was JenniAnn in a relationship that her family would much more easily accept and that would give her more stability in society, the age difference also weighed on him.  And then there was the fact that he was an angel and wasn't yet aware that angel/human anam caras existed.  Also, JenniAnn was icing him out because she was trying to make things work with Eliot despite the fact that, deep down, she knew she still loved Andrew.  So it was rather inconvenient for them both.  But they figured it out!

Love-Obstructing Parents- So the older I get, the more sympathy I feel for JenniAnn's parents.  I don't have kids but I can't imagine it's easy to have your kid tell you that she's in a romantic but non-sexual relationship with an angel of death that will last for all eternity.  Also in their defense, I don't think they realized JenniAnn was asexual so, to them, she would be giving up something really important.  And they really wanted grandkids.  And, let's be fair, JenniAnn was a mere seventeen when she met Andrew.  Given she was living independently from her parents at the time, they had no way of knowing that Andrew wasn't grooming her (he wasn't, obviously).  You could think "But he's an angel!  Of course he's not going to do anything untoward!"  But who knows how Robert and Allison interpret the story of the Nephilim.  That has some really freaky implications.  Also, it would be fair for them to assume that Andrew would have more control in the relationship.  How were they supposed to know that their daughter had absolutely zero problem challenging him when they weren't around to see it?  So I think they can be forgiven for subtly attempting to redirect their child's attentions.  I think their behavior in "Shadowlands" is less forgivable although they were grieving and in shock.  But I do think they needed to cut Andrew some slack given he and JenniAnn had been together for a while at that point without any red flags. 

Official Couple Ordeal Syndrome- I mean kinda?  But I also think that when one half of a pair is an angel of death, dramatic and even tragic events should be expected.  If anything, I think it's unrealistic that Andrew and JenniAnn aren't dealing with more trouble given it's established that demons are real and demons really, really don't like Andrew and see JenniAnn as the prime way to get to Andrew.  But I only have the mental energy to deal with a demon story every few years.  Many of the ordeals that involve Andrew are directly linked to his work: getting stuck in Afghanistan, being temporarily homeless, being the target of demons.  Meanwhile, JenniAnn's ordeals tend to be medical in nature and, well, she's human so... that's gonna happen.  Thankfully, fights are few and far between.  They've never formally broken up.  And infidelity is absolutely not a factor.

Sexual Euphemism- In "The King," Joshua refers to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as an annual commemoration of his grandparents' "special time."  Joshua is no prude but uses the euphemism because he realizes a grown man, God or not, talking about his own grandparents having sex is a little discomfiting to people.  JenniAnn's euphemism for Catherine and Vincent is "playing chess." 

Intimate Psychotherapy- I think Andrew and JenniAnn have a healthy take on this in a non-sexual way.  They don't use "canoodling" to hide from difficult discussions.  But it can sometimes immediately follow such a discussion or proceed it.  It's a way for them to relax with each other and have something beautiful and gentle when trying to cope with harsh realities.  JenniAnn eventually realizes that some of the emotional intimacy she craved with Andrew while younger was probably never going to be possible until they'd developed a healthy physical intimacy.  Because there's really nothing she can say that's going to make Andrew feel better about having to witness a brutal murder, for example.  But I think there's something to be said for trying to redirect his attention to bodies and touch as being good and loving.  Also, since Andrew's angst often comes from the fact that he was unable to physically intervene, it's maybe not a bad thing to give him something physical and beneficial to do.

Declaration of Protection
- Andrew really, really wants to protect JenniAnn and his kids.  When COVID started, he went maybe a little overboard with precautions.  Most recently, he promised to protect JenniAnn when they went out for a night on the town... only to have demons attack them.  Andrew did fight to protect her up until he was rendered unconscious and he was very bothered by the fact that she experienced any harm.  It is complicated by the fact that protecting humans is, in part, what angels are supposed to do.  Additionally, Andrew is aware that JenniAnn has a target on her back with the demons because of her attachment to him. 

Interrupted Intimacy- Well, not with sex, but Andrew and JenniAnn are just about to enjoy some romantic time together in "God in the Gloom" when her mother (Allison) interrupts because she got into a fight with JenniAnn's dad.  It later comes out that while Allison was fully aware that Andrew and JenniAnn don't have sex, it never occurred to her that they might still have some sort of physically intimate relationship.

Love Makes You Uncreative- This makes me sad because it wasn't intentional on my part but I've realized that since Andrew and JenniAnn got together, I've seldom written her as engaging in any sort of creative pursuit.  Before, she wrote and edited videos.  I don't think Andrew is responsible as an anti-muse.  The sad truth is that JenniAnn probably just doesn't have time any more.  I don't even have kids and I seldom find time to work on my crafts.  And even writing has gotten harder to find time for.  Anyway...  Maybe one day we'll both find the time again.

My Grandson, Myself- While she doesn't actually tell people this because she's an angel and can't lie, Jamie also doesn't bother to correct people who think she's her own descendant.  The trope is subverted when Chava assumes Andrew is the grandson of a man she saw during the Holocaust but, really, that man was Andrew.

Tragic Bromance- While I haven't delved into this too much because it's just a lot to deal with, I think there are shades of this with John and Joshua. As a side note, how awful for Maryam.  Her baby cousin and son both died horrifically within a year.

This newsletter is dedicated to John Dye for being a lovely distraction when I'm a bit under the weather.

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(Photo Credits: The photographs used on this page are from Touched by an Angel and owned by CBS Productions, Caroline Productions, and Moon Water Productions.  They are not being used to seek profit.)