"And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again,
they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images,
and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed."
~~ Kitty O'Meara

Hi all,

Well...  We're now in week three and I've pretty well concluded that leaving the house is NOT why I consistently feel like I'm struggling to keep up.  I've not left the house since March 16th and am still harried.  I'm hoping that'll change starting this week when I have a couple days off.  But, for now, I haven't had much writing time so I'm basically repeating the last newsletter. 

I hope you're all staying well and healthy!

God bless,

Top Ten More Things To Do While Staying Home

10.  I made more puzzles!  And I've been playing these puzzles a lot.  It's very relaxing.  So here they are:

preview99pieceAndrew- Promised Land preview98pieceAdam and Andrew preview99pieceRainbow Buckets preview100piecePastel Rainbow Labyrinth
That last one is tough!  You may have to hit a gray, round arrow to get it to break into pieces.

9.  Walking a labyrinth sounds heavenly right now but since going out is frowned upon, you can print the labyrinth below and use a pen or pencil to "walk it" while contemplating and praying.

8.  I plan to write fanfics in which the Friends deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting social isolation.  First up, Andrew and JenniAnn.  After that?  Who knows.  If there's a particular character or group of characters that you'd like to peek in on during this time, please let me know.

7.  Speaking of that Andrew/JenniAnn story... if you're looking for a show to binge, firstly I'd suggest The Chosen which you can watch on the app by the same time.  (Email me if you need more info.)  But my second choice would be Netflix's The Haunting of Hill House which will be discussed in the story I'm writing.  Not only might it help with understanding the story, I just really loved it.  Unlike The Chosen, it is most assuredly NOT for family viewing.  It's scary and dark but hauntingly beautiful and I'm really looking forward to rewatching it.  If you'd like to see it and don't have Netflix, it's also available on DVD and BluRay.

6.  Along those lines, if you want to familiarize yourself with any of the many, many literary and cinematic works the Friends reference, you can peruse this list for ideas: http://www.dyeland.onthisside.net/culturalrefs.html

The works of C.S. Lewis, chiefly The Chronicles of Narnia and The Great Divorce are great places to start. 

5.  And if you want to get nostalgic about "The Carpenter," starting this Friday (Good Friday), a production of Jesus Christ Superstar will be streaming for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpO4ohqx3os

To be honest, it's not my favorite version but it captures the live experience pretty well.  And no recorded version starring Joshua actually exists.    Although, spoiler alert, since this year's production of JCS at St. Genesius' was canceled, the Friends do stream the Joshua version on their Facebook.  Unfortunately, that's not available to us.  ;-)

4.  While I've not been able to write as much as I'd like, it has been therapeutic.  It helps to deal with pandemic but in a way that's not totally tied up with my own experience.  If that sounds good to you, pick a TBAA assignment... or two or three... and write about what their experience would be like right now.  Or pick an angel.  That'd be interesting, too. 

3.  Relive your favorite TBAA musicals moments by using your favorite music service and building a playlist of songs from the show.  For help, here's a list that I've compiled.  Please keep in mind that not all songs are widely available or available at all.

2.  Become a Dye Scout!  Yep, I basically forgot this existed... but it does! 

1.  Keep praying.  Talk to God.  Talk to other people.  Remember that you are not alone!

This newsletter is dedicated to John Dye for looking good even as a puzzle.  ;-)  Seriously... I really have been doing those puzzles a lot.

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(Photo Credits: The photographs used on this page are from Touched by an Angel and owned by CBS Productions, Caroline Productions, and Moon Water Productions.  They are not being used to seek profit.)