Jenni’s Completely Downloadable JABB 197 Playlist
"If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember.
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
But the most important thing to remember is even if we're apart, I'll always be with you."
~ from A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh
Hi all,

The John/ Andrew Bucket Brigade is officially eight years old tonight! On July 19th, 1998, Audrey, Barbara, Jarrod, and I founded JABB. JABB’s seen many changes in the past nine years but we’re still here and I hope we’ll continue to be for some time! I’d like to thank all our members who have made JABB a rewarding experience. I’d also like to thank everyone who has helped write, edit, design, brainstorm, or otherwise keep JABB going strong. Because friendship, creativity, and humor have been what’s kept JABB going for eight years, I wanted to showcase those three things with this issue.
For our eighth anniversary issue, I decided to turn to Dyeland and imagine what an anniversary celebration there might be like. In typical fashion, angels and humans gather together in the Willowveil Ballroom to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the group that brought them together. But when the weather turns threatening, the dance and dinner is abandoned and they’re forced to seek shelter in the basement. While there, Adam and several of the Dyelanders bide their time by telling their must amusing memories of Andrew to each other and the angel himself.
This story would not have been possible with out the input of several members. Special thanks to Jarrod, Jennifer, Jess, Karen, Liz, Miriam, and Sara for allowing me to use their Dyeland characters in this issue. Big thanks to Jarrod, Karen, Liz, and Sara for even going so far as to supply me with their characters’ favorite memory of Andrew. And now for the story itself:

JABB 197- On a dark and stormy anniversary night...
In addition to writing that, I also decorated JABB’s index page to mark this happy occasion. You can view it here.
Happy anniversary, everyone!
God bless,
JABB Co-founder

JABB 198