Jenni’s JABB 184 Playlist
“Lucky stars above you,
Sunshine on your way,
Many friends to love you,
Joy in work and play--
Laughter to outweigh each care,
In your heart a song--
And gladness waiting everywhere
All your whole life long!”
~ An Irish Blessing

Hello and happy Dye Day to one and all!

To any of our newbies who may be wondering what the heck Dye Day is, it’s John’s birthday which is January 31st.  Hopefully today for most of you, for the others sorry this is late but I‘m just glad it got sent at all.  Talk about snafus… but I digress!  So a very happy 43rd birthday to him!  We usually mark the occasion with a chat which we’ll be having this year starting at 7 PM Central this Friday the 3rd.  The chat will be held here:

If, for any reason, we should need to reschedule the chat or pick a different chat room, up-to-date details will be available at  Please email me if you have any questions!

Also, because John seems to be someone really passionate about helping others, I thought it would be nice to add a section to the JABB Store to benefit various charities.  I have some stuff there now but stay tuned for more!

Now, I thought this year we might take a lil behind-the-scenes look into what sort of planning goes on to prepare for Dye Day in Dyeland.  Due to technical difficulties, I had to put it on a webpage.  So to read "An Email Account of Dye Day 2006 in Dyeland" please go to:

God bless,

JABB 185