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Hi all!  With this newsletter you'll get to know a little bit more about our new co-president, Karen.  But before that we'd like to get word out about our plans for Andrew's birthday.  First, we will be having a chat on Saturday the 18th at 6:00 PM Central.  It will be at JABB's chatroom which is web-based and can be found at:
If you think you may attend please email the co-presidents in case there's a change and we need to inform you.  If you live in a really different time zone and that's just very inconvenient for you, email us.  Maybe we can arrange to meet you at a different time to celebrate.  :-)
We also want to do a festive newsletter.  What we'd like from you is to write something nice or funny for Andrew to mark the occasion.  Like imagine you're making out a birthday card for him.  It doesn't have to be long.  Be as creative as you want.  We'd just
like to have this very first Andrew's Birthday Newsletter  have input from several people.  :-)  If you plan on submitting anything please email it to this address by the 15th.
Jenni and Karen
Now for an interview...
Andrew:  Hello Karen!  I'm glad to meet you and would like to welcome you as JABB's new co-president.  I don't actually write much for the newsletters so I hope my interviewer skills are up to the task.  JenniAnn usually does but she's...  (awkward pause)  Well, you know we all need some time to ourselves sometimes.  JABB is important to me so I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions.

Karen: No problem. (Karen slightly blushes)  Besides, I know about JenniAnn's ... umm ... situation. I'm just so glad to finally meet you.

Andrew:  Great, thank you.  So, hmm, let's see... I'm sure our members would like to know a bit about you and I would certainly like to get to know you better.  So what would you like us to know about you?

Karen:  There really isn't much to tell. I've been a resident of Dyeland for several years now. I share a small place with Bunny called Bunny Haven in a part of Dyeland called Hara Leah. I am also looking forward to working with you and JenniAnn to keep Dyeland a fun, safe, and relaxing place to live.

Andrew:  And I look forward to working with you.  (smiles)  What do you feel qualifies you to be JABB's latest co-president?

Karen:  (With a slight and knowing smile) My mental and emotional state is very stable.  There will be no need to worry that I'll suddenly disappear because of some mysterious happenings some where. I also get along with a diverse group of people. I'm sure I can help keep peace and tranquility that the citizens of Dyeland deserve.

Andrew:  (nods appreciatively) Let's see...  another question...  sorry, I just really don't normally handle these things.  Oh, any thing you'd like to see happen with JABB during your tenure as co-president?

Karen:  I'd like to see things stay pretty much as they are. Dyeland has so much to offer the citizens.  It would be nice to invite some big name entertainers to perform here in Dyeland a few times a year.

Andrew:  Sounds great!  Y'know, JABB members are really wonderful people and I've been blessed to spend time with them but... umm...  (blushes)  I mean I'm just not...  (all out turning red now)  Some of them are very devoted and, well, that's all very flattering but...  Can you help me?  Or, umm, them?  Uhh... (looks rather helplessly at Karen) 

Karen:  (Karen flashes a knowing smile at Andrew and places her hand lightly on his to let him know she understands)  Perhaps I might start a new support group for those citizens of Dyeland that are a bit "over the top" regarding their feelings towards you. This might be a good time to remind them of the 12 step program we offer. Of course this would be totally voluntary on their part. This would also be free to those who choose to participate.

Andrew:  (looks relieved)  Well, thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me Karen.  I really do appreciate it and can tell JABB will be in good hands with you and JenniAnn.  Anything more you'd like to ask or say?

Karen:  I would like to say again that it has been an honor to meet you finally. I'd also like to let the citizens of Dyeland know that I take this position seriously. I'm very excited to be working with you and JenniAnn and getting reacquainted with the citizens of Dyeland. (On the spur of the moment and without thinking about it, Karen gives Andrew a big hug, smiles, and waves good-bye to Andrew)


Newsletter 146